Management of Patients with EVA - China-EU High-End Online Forum of Hearing Implantation


22 October 2021, 14:00 - 15:30, (UTC +2:00)

Panelists from China 
Panelists from China:
Prof. Zhiqiang Gao, Prof. Pu Dai, Prof. Yongxin Li, Prof. Hao Wu (Prof. Zhihua Zhang)
Panelists from the EU 
Panelists from the EU:
Prof. Paul Van de Heyning, Prof. Joachim Mueller, Dr. Rolf Salcher
A new series of roundtable online discussions, known as the China-EU High-End Online Forum of Hearing Implantation, will be hosted by MED-EL China to promote academic communication between distinguished professionals from China and Europe.