Music Special Session 1: Sound and Music Perception With Cochlear Implants


06 October 2022, 14:00 - 15:00, (UTC +2:00)

Paul van de Heyning  
Prof. Paul Van de Heyning, MD PhD, Department of Otolaryngology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen (UZA)
Michael Dorman
Prof. Michael Dorman, Professor Emeritus of Speech and Hearing Sciences, College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University
Margaret T. Dillon 
Prof. Dr. Margaret Dillon, Associate Professor & Director of Cochlear Implant Clinical Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Our series of music-themed webinars for hearing professionals will explore the role of hearing technology in music perception and appreciation. MED-EL’s signal processing expert Peter Nopp and professors Paul Van de Heyning, Meg Dillon, and Michael Dorman discuss pitch matching, cochlea coverage, coding strategies, and how to achieve closest to natural hearing.