Music Special Session 2: Fitting and Clinical Practice for Music


06 October 2022, 15:00 - 16:00, (UTC +2:00)

Melanie Gilbert  
Dr. Melanie Gilbert, Research Audiologist, University of California
Benoit Godey 
Prof. Benoit Godey, Chief of Department, Department of ENT-HNS, University Hospital of Rennes
Alejandra Kontides 
Alejandra Kontides, Senior Product Manager, Objective Measures, MED-EL
How can cochlear implant fitting influence music appreciation? In this special webinar for hearing professionals, audiologist Jennifer Robinson interviews Prof. Benoit Godey about the impact of tonotopic placement on music, Dr. Melanie Gilbert about optimal CI sound processor compression settings for music sound quality, and MED-EL's Alejandra Kontides about fitting techniques. You can also expect insights into the roles that anatomy-based fitting and individualization play in music enjoyment for implant users.